- Always communicate politely, from initial contact, through the duration of your appointment and saying farewell at the door
- Be on time, not early or late, this is how we can assure your discretion
- Smell amazing, the cleaner you are the closer we get
- Be nice about other working ladies, don't gossip about them in our time together
- Never assume we will do such and such because so and so does or did that one time at band camp
- Appreciate our boundaries and rules regarding health and safety - they are there for a reason, they are all good reasons
- If you cannot make a confirmed appointment, let us know at your earliest convenience
- Pay fee happily upon arrival with no qualms about price
- Do of course be interested in us, but don't ask us personal questions, we are not there to be interrogated
- If you want to try something, tell us!
- If you don't want to do something, tell us!
- Remember we are professionals and have your balls in our hands
An open letter as read aloud to my beloved paradise girls. So. Everyone has belief systems. And I fucking love belief systems. They can change they can skewer a bit. But many will stay with you your entire life. I have a few firm beliefs I strive to Live my life by 1. always wait for the person who cooked you a meal, to sit down and take the first bite of Food 2. don't compare yourself to other people, they have their own experiences and path to walk as do you 3. don't say anything behind someone's back you wouldn't say to their face 4. stand up straight, look people in the eye when you address them and have a strong handshake And These two are deeply embedded in me Do the right thing, no matter what, even if it's hard And the big one is, if you are going to do something, hopefully the right thing, do it 120 fuck off percent , if not more. Like give it your all. And if you cannot give it your all, step aside. Especially when so many people depend o...
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