- Always communicate politely, from initial contact, through the duration of your appointment and saying farewell at the door
- Be on time, not early or late, this is how we can assure your discretion
- Smell amazing, the cleaner you are the closer we get
- Be nice about other working ladies, don't gossip about them in our time together
- Never assume we will do such and such because so and so does or did that one time at band camp
- Appreciate our boundaries and rules regarding health and safety - they are there for a reason, they are all good reasons
- If you cannot make a confirmed appointment, let us know at your earliest convenience
- Pay fee happily upon arrival with no qualms about price
- Do of course be interested in us, but don't ask us personal questions, we are not there to be interrogated
- If you want to try something, tell us!
- If you don't want to do something, tell us!
- Remember we are professionals and have your balls in our hands
When I was younger version of myself I was an athlete. Believe it or not. I was amazing. Operative word being 'was'. Prior to any race, be it sprinting or my favourite, the good old 1500m (being what us Kiwis are famous for), I would have a swirl of butterflies in my tummy. People have never scared me. Fear of failure or success did. (Analyse this...) I hated it. I loved running though. And I knew once the initial "eeeeek!" sensation prior to a race would be quashed due to the race commencing; the butterflies would magically fly away. I would think later, "I can't believe I was so anxious about that!" It was fine. No one died. And typically I won. Now. As I understand that feeling, perhaps this is why I am so empathetic when it comes to clients mentioning they are nervous. I am the first person to say "it's just me! Honestly there is nothing to be nervous about." (I am nothing if not humble and down to earth) but it's not...
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