I know it will sound 'somewhat boring', but MANNERS turn me on. Decorum has a huge impact on how escorts will relate to you and wish to see you again. We like you being nice to us. Whether we are escorts or not, it's common sense. Just be nice and we are happy. Anyway. Let's get down to the details about what turns me on. Due to my extensive (brag, brag) knowledge about the human body and massage, I know that being grabbed in certain areas really turns me on. If you don't know where a woman likes to be touched, ASK HER, because we may be very similar physically, but we all get turned on by varying degrees of pressure, vibes from people, different smells, views, sounds and other things, it often revolves around all our senses. I for one, like the tease, I like to know something is going to happen. And I don't mean sticking your tongue in my ear (NO ONE LIKES THAT, that polite giggling you hear is her being polite, and trying to crane her neck away, ...
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