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Stepping down from being Paradise Club Boss Lady

An open letter as read aloud to my beloved paradise girls.

So. Everyone has belief systems. And I fucking love belief systems. They can change they can skewer a bit. But many will stay with you your entire life. I have a few firm beliefs I strive to Live my life by

1. always wait for the person who cooked you a meal, to sit down and take the first bite of Food

2. don't compare yourself to other people, they have their own experiences and path to walk as do you

3. don't say anything behind someone's back you wouldn't say to their face

4. stand up straight, look people in the eye when you address them and have a strong handshake

And These two are deeply embedded in me

Do the right thing, no matter what, even if it's hard

And the big one is, if you are going to do something, hopefully the right thing, do it 120 fuck off percent , if not more.

Like give it your all. And if you cannot give it your all, step aside. Especially when so many people depend on the outcome of you giving it your all.

Yes, I believe in doing the right thing. Even if it makes you sad.

Like life is funny, isn't it. Like you wake up one day and then it dawns on you.

You have an epiphany. If I do this!

THIS will be different! It will be better for them. And it will be better for me.

And I'm not clinging onto something, in hope, that it's gonna get better. It's gonna be ok. You have to fucking go out there and you make it ok. If you can't do that, then perhaps you should be doing, something else.

Once upon a time, When I was a young teenaged version of myself, I wanted to be a madam.

I pictured an old school western bordello, corsets, huge antique paintings and a glorious Curving stair case with plush carpet and lavish deep velvet curtains, decorated with golden tassels.

Yes when I was a younger me I wanted to be a madam. (And a pornstar but that's a story for another day) I might not have know what the word meant really, but I worked my butt off for years to attain my dream.

And well, as the universe usually repays you for your efforts. I achieved my childhood dream.

After years of working on my dreams which had become goals,

I went on to become the proud owner of not just an agency but an award winning agency!

Nationwide! How cool is that. I mean How fucking cool is that? Straight to the top. I hasten to add, it was not "an overnight success" or "silver spoon fed". I earned this.

The continuity of Paradise Clubs success and your happiness has always been my focus.

behind the scenes I can assure you I have thought of you all every day, even if not physically able to be here in person. There are only 24 hours in the day after all.

I love you all so much. I can't even tell you how humbled I have been to have met you all.

I can tell you something funny and cool about every one of you right now. I won't.

But if you tested me I fucking would.

If someone was ailing I enquired after your health.

If someone was going through a breakup I sent you loving thoughts.

If someone was moving house (and I knew about it) I put my hand up to help shift you.

If someone succeeded with their studies I wanted to celebrate your succes.

If not I wanted to console you - tell you "she'll be right" and she bloody will be. Because she is you and you are so amazing and strong.

I truly want the best for each of you.

i wanted to be the best for you.

I wanted more hours in the day. I get up at 5am there still aren't enough hours in the day.

I wanted to put 120 fuck off percent in.

For several reasons I have regretfully been incapable of doing that. I have never been afraid to admit my defeat.

 Perhaps being notorious for doing "too much". I am sorry if anyone feels I have let you down.

So it is with a tear in my eye, a knot in my throat, and an ache in my heart to wake up from my child hood dream; yet ultimately content I know I'm doing the right thing for you all, that I step down from being the Boss Lady.

Or my personal fave, the Gov. Naw. Ha govnor. Which u can still call me if you want.

Please don't be sad for me, as I am doing the right thing.

And I am carrying happy memories, many of them funny like Ava picking me up while I was dancing over the bonnet of my mustang and a police man drove past and smiled, to dropping the bucket of paint over the toilet seat, and the general laughter of the ladies room antics.

In summary, to maintain the coolness of the agency, this is my gift to you, I am stepping down from paradise club ownership to make way for your continued success by people I know have your best interests at heart. By people who I know wOll watch your six. Paradise club will not falter. It will only get better and better and better. And you will be like, fuck yeah.

I know you will all be wanting to know who is buying the business. (Mostly signed sealed and delivered just a few more shoelaces to tie) And we will find out, after these short messages

Haha just kidding sorry I have always wanted to say that.... I often use humour when I am a bit milkshaky.

It has been an honour

But this is no longer about me; With no further ado,

It fills me with great pleasure (ultimate cliche in a speech) to announce your new fearless leaders, the new owners of paradise club, please give a warm round of applause to our esteemed friends and colleagues,
I give you, Pepper and Ava.
(Take a bow, raises a glass)


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