First things first, I don't get out much. So if I venture out after dark, you better believe I want it to be worth it. I was most looking forward to seeing Paying For It. But was it worth it? Without a doubt. Upon my early arrival into town, I popped up to see the Paradise ladies, only to learn many were going as well, (some for the second time) so off we strutted down the road to the venue. Which was quite nice really, as I had assumed I would be alone in the crowd. At the venue I ordered a Jameson and took my seat as the lights went low and the empty stage glowed and patiently awaited some company. Whether or not the many people in the audience were in the industry, I shall never know. It was refreshing to feel the vibe of the audience was a safe place. To be among the politely curious. The experienced. The darkness of the audience shed little light on who was who. And maybe I would have been stereotyping if I wagered a guess. But this was what the story tellers col...