Getting and or, maintaining an erection can sometimes be a task for men. It's almost a miracle men can 'get it up' at all at times. So many aspects make up whether or not a man will get hard, and even then, stay hard. Medication, stress, nervous, excited, heavy work load, age, grief, illness, sexual experiences right down to too many beersies; all of these easily contribute to making it a task to get a strong erection. I can assure you, there are plenty of other fun activities we can do together while we see what we can do to assist. Escorts often hear a gentleman say, "I'm sorry, it's not you it's me," while apologetically looking at his nether regions. Please don't apologise. I wish all men to know, that we are not looking at your private parts as a true barometre of your pleasure, or an indication of how attracted you are to us. And always remember! "It's not the destination, it's the journey. Especially if you go fir...